2013 Summer Golf Memorabilia Auction
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This lot is closed for bidding. Bidding ended on 7/21/2013
2011 Congressional US OPEN 18th Hole Cup RORY WINS! With LOA. Here we have a piece of history from the 2011 US Open, the actual cup from the 18th green after Rory won. Rory set 11 U.S. Open records on the weekend, including the lowest total 72-hole score (268) and the lowest total under par (-16). Here we have the actual cup from the 18th hole with a letter from the grounds Superintendent to the Sarasota youth foundation. They have had the cup since it was received from Congressional C.C.. This is an opportunity to obtain a piece of history from golf's next superstar Rory McIlroy. The July 8th, 2011 dated letter reads as follows: 'Please find herein the hole location cup from the 18th green of the 2011 US Open Championship won by Rory McIlroy on Father's Day, June 19th 2011. Rory's score of 16 under par is a Championship record. Best Regards, Dave Hutchinson'

In order to bid in extended bidding you must place a bid on the lot before 9pm on auction closing day.
2011 Congressional US OPEN 18th Hole Cup RORY WINS! With LOA 2011 Congressional US OPEN 18th Hole Cup RORY WINS! With LOA 2011 Congressional US OPEN 18th Hole Cup RORY WINS! With LOA 2011 Congressional US OPEN 18th Hole Cup RORY WINS! With LOA 2011 Congressional US OPEN 18th Hole Cup RORY WINS! With LOA 2011 Congressional US OPEN 18th Hole Cup RORY WINS! With LOA 2011 Congressional US OPEN 18th Hole Cup RORY WINS! With LOA 2011 Congressional US OPEN 18th Hole Cup RORY WINS! With LOA 2011 Congressional US OPEN 18th Hole Cup RORY WINS! With LOA 2011 Congressional US OPEN 18th Hole Cup RORY WINS! With LOA 2011 Congressional US OPEN 18th Hole Cup RORY WINS! With LOA 2011 Congressional US OPEN 18th Hole Cup RORY WINS! With LOA
2011 Congressional US OPEN 18th Hole Cup RORY WINS! With LOA
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Current Bidding
Minimum Bid: $250.00
Final prices include buyers premium.: $423.20
Number Bids: 3
Auction closed on Sunday, July 21, 2013.
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