2011 Spring Golf Memorabilia Auction
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This lot is closed for bidding. Bidding ended on 4/10/2011
The game of golf was entering a new era in 1848 when the Rev Adam Peterson of Scotland heated the rubber like sap of the Sapodilla tree,found in Malaysia, and formed it into a sphere to use as a golf ball. The Gutta Percha ball aka "Smooth,Guttie" was formed. This ball withstood the hazards of being struck with a club far better then the age old featherie. In short time it was found that this new age sphere flew better when nicked or cut leading to the dimple structure on golf balls and the end of the smooth guttie era. The transition from featherie to gutta percha ball was not without controversy as the leading featherie maker of the day, Allan Robertson, would fire his apprentice on the spot when he was found using a guttie. That apprentice was none other then Old Tom Morris. Robertson who saw his marketplace for featheries being compromised soon adjusted to the new marketplace and became a leading maker of the guttie.Any markings of a specified Scottish ball maker are no longer visible. This solid condition ball displays wear and cuts consistent with play.
 Circa 1850's Gutta Percha Golf Ball (Smooth Guttie) Circa 1850's Gutta Percha Golf Ball (Smooth Guttie)
Circa 1850's Gutta Percha Golf Ball (Smooth Guttie)
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Current Bidding (Reserve Has Been Met)
Minimum Bid: $1,500.00
Final prices include buyers premium.: $2,296.55
Number Bids: 3
Auction closed on Sunday, April 10, 2011.
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